At the request of the Governor of KDH NTB Province R. Ar. Moh. Ruslan Cakraninggrat, on November 17 1963 the Sangkareang Education Foundation opened a new Faculty next to the existing Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, namely the Faculty of Economics, in preparation for becoming a State Faculty. The Sangkareang Faculty of Economics first had 85 students. On December 19 1963, the Sangkareang Faculty of Economics was inaugurated by the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Prof. Dr. Ir. Toyib Hadiwijaya became the Faculty of Economics at the University of Mataram (UNRAM). The Faculty of Economics was the only Faculty of the University of Mataram until 1966. On January 1 1967, the Faculty of Agriculture was also opened, followed by the change in status of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge of Sangkareang to become the Faculty of Law, University of Mataram (UNRAM).
In 1997, based on Unram Chancellor’s Decree No. 3832/J18.H/HK.01.11/1997 concerning the implementation of the Associate of Accountancy Study Program at the Faculty of Economics, University of Mataram, then in the 1997/1998 academic year it began accepting new students, but in 1998/1999 the acceptance of new students was postponed because they had to wait for permission from the Director General of Higher Education. Through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 146/DIKTI/Kep/2000, dated 12 May 2000, it was stated that the Diploma III Study Program in Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Economics, University of Mataram was officially approved for its establishment.
Based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT) Number 1260/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/Dpl-III/XII/2015, it was stated that the Diploma III Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mataram University received accreditation with a grade of B.