By Published On: 2 February, 2016

Participating in the international arena is certainly one of the pride of every person, especially if the participation is carried out by students who receive BIDIKMISI, an underprivileged and outstanding education scholarship. So of course it will be an encouragement and motivation for others that everyone has the opportunity to take part in making Indonesia proud regardless of their background.

Abd. Gafur and Ardiansyah, two students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, majoring in S1 Accounting at the University of Mataram, are two of the thousands of Bidikmisi students at the University of Mataram who were able to make Indonesia proud in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia in the Indonesia Youth Culture Exchange (IYCE) and Youth Excursion (Youtex) activities on January 21-28, 2016 yesterday.

This activity also shows the seriousness of Mataram University in preparing its students to compete not only at the national level, but also actively on an international scale. Especially with Indonesia’s entry into the Asean economic community event which was official at the end of December, of course through this activity is one of the efforts to be able to increase competition in it.

IYCE and YOUTEX, are programs initiated by the International Youth Forum in cooperation with the respective Embassies in each country. This program is conducted to introduce Indonesian youth to the culture and technological development of other countries.

Seven Days in Thailand, four Days in Singapore and Malaysia.

Activities in Thailand are more oriented towards youth exchange in the cultural field. The first three days the youth were given the opportunity to interact more closely with the local Thai community with the concept of staying at each local resident’s house. Of course, this does little to give the youth an understanding of how Thais go about their daily activities. Then the next two days the youth conducted social activities in the hills of Thailand, precisely in Sukhotai province. Through this activity, Indonesian youth can study various social problems and formulate solutions. Then the last two days the youth were given the opportunity to tour Bangkok, the main city of Thailand. Traveling in the city of Bangkok certainly gives you a sense of admiration for Thailand’s economic progress and the discipline of its people. In terms of the economy, the Bangkok government is very supportive of the growth of small businesses by organizing various activities, such as local food festivals, bazaars, etc. In terms of discipline, it appears that the community is very obedient to the rules that apply, garbage is rarely seen in public places and is very neat. Surely this is a lesson for the youth to be able to create solutions in Indonesia.

The next four days in Singapore and Malaysia were more oriented towards introducing youth to technology and entrepreneurship. Through this activity, it is hoped that it will bring out the creativity of young people in terms of technology and entrepreneurship so that it can make a major contribution to the progress of Indonesia.




TTL: Tebaban, 25 – 12 – 1993
NIM : A1C012001
Address: West Tebaban, Kec. Suralaga. District. LOTIM
NO. HP: 082339512016 / 087863320605

Past Works:

  1. “E-MUSEUM” Strategic and Tactical Steps to Develop M2G, M2M and M2C Systems as an Effort to Improve the Role and Function of Museums
  2. Mutualism Symbiosis between MSMEs and Higher Education in reducing Intellectual Unemployment – MITI INDONESIA 2013
  3. Edutainment Approach in Museums as a Creative Step to Strengthen Indonesian Local Culture.
  4. “LDK (Creative Da’wah Laboratory)” Optimizing the Role of Da’wah Institutions in Creating Islamic Campus Culture as an Effort in Anti-Corruption Character Building
  5. Knowledge – Based Economy System Approach in Developing the Economic Potential of Women and Umkm Sukarare Village Jonggat District, Central Lombok – NTB Facing AEC 2015- ANDALAS
  6. Sharia Hotel Development as a Support for Sharia Tourism in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) – E-WEEK UNAIR 2014
  7. Sustainable Beach Tourism Development Strategy Based on Triple Bottom Line 3P (People, Planet, and Profit) Through Community Based Tourism (CBT) Approach
  8. Solidifying the Role of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) in Sustainable NTB Tourism Development Through “Symbiotic Mutualism Approach Based A-B-G Perspective”
  9. Strengthening Character Education Based on Multiple Intelligences (IESQ) as the Grand Design of Indonesian Golden Education 2045
  10. Corruption, Students, and Religious Mentoring
  11. Internalization of The Succes Triangel Values in Fostering Work Ethic (himmatul ‘amal) through Entrepreneur Mental Building Program (EMBP); Steps Towards Good Entrepreneur’s Performance in the Asean Economic Community.

Past Awards:

  1. Finalized LKTI at Univ. Andalas-West Sumatra 2014
  2. Finalized Studentpreneur-Business plan. At GAJAH MADA University 2015
  3. Finalish LKTI Univ. Muhammadiyah Makasar 2014
  4. Finalish LKTI Hasanuddin University-Makasar 2015
  5. 1st National Essay Champion in JAMBI 2014
  6. Second place in National LKTI Univ. Yarsi 2014
  7. 1st place in the Fak. UNRAM Engineering 2014
  8. 1st place in Essay As-siraaj FT. UNRAM 2013
  9. 2nd place in Essay BIDIKMISI UNRAM 2014
  10. 3rd place for SOMASI NTB 2014 Anti-Corruption Opinion
  11. Second place in Essay HMJ- IESP 2014
  12. 1st place in Essay Bank BRI 2015
  13. 1st place in LDK UNRAM Poster Competition
  14. PKM-K funded by DIKTI 2014
  15. Finalized NTB Museum Ambassador 2014
  16. Finalized NTB Tourism and Culture Ambassador 2014
  17. Mawapres (outstanding student) III level FEB UNRAM 2014
  18. ISMEI BEM FEB Delegation 2014
  19. BEM S1 Delegation from NTB- Pontianak 2015
  20. NTB delegates in the presentation of social projects at the University of Indonesia (UI) 2015
  21. MAWAPRES I Level Faculty of Economics and Business Univ. Mataram 2015
  22. MAWAPRES (Student Achievement) II Level Univ. mataram 2015
  23. 2nd place in the state chess competition. Mataram University 2015

Organization Experience

No. Organization Position Period
1 Islamic Student Activity Unit (UKMI) Al-iqtishad FEB UNRAM Co. PR and Publishing 2013
2 Islamic Economics Study Forum (FOKEI) FEB UNRAM Staff. Human Resources 2014
3 Student Association of Suralaga Sub-district (PMKS) Mataram City Co. Scientific Studies 2013
4 HMJ Accounting FEB UNRAM Staff. PR 2014
5 English Club FEB UNRAM Member 2015
6 SME Argument Staff. Human Resources Development 2014
7 UNRAM BIDIKMISI FORUM Staff. Public Service 2014
8 BEM UNRAM SECRETARY. Internal Campus 2013
9 ISMEI (Indonesian Economics Student Senate Association) Staff. Bali-Nusra region 2014
10 BEM SI (All over Indonesia) Staff. Region IX Bali-Nusra 2015
11. BEM FEB UNRAM Chairman of BEM 2015