Office of International Affairs Unram (OIA Unram) Holds Public Lecture with the United States Consulate General in Indonesia

By Published On: 17 March, 2024

Office of International Affairs Unram (OIA Unram) Holds Public Lecture with the United States Consulate General in Indonesia

On February 21 2024, the Theater Room of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) witnessed an important academic event, namely the Studium Generale “Consulate General of the United States of America in Indonesia”. This event is an important momentum for academics, students and practitioners to explore the latest insights in diplomatic relations, especially in political and economic aspects.

The main speaker at this event was John McDaniel, a person who has experience as a Chief in the field of Politics/Economics. With a rich background of experience in diplomacy, McDaniel delivers thought-provoking presentations on the dynamics of relations between countries, especially in the current global political and economic context.

The moderator of this event is Prof. Dahlanuddin, an academic whose competence is beyond doubt, is the Head of OIA at Mataram University. With calm leadership and broad insight, Prof. Dahlanuddin succeeded in guiding the discussion at this event smoothly and providing sufficient space for the participants to ask questions and discuss.

Not only that, the presence of high-ranking officials from FEB Unram also provided great support for the success of this event. Directly attended by the Dean of FEB Unram along with Deputy Dean I and Deputy Dean III, their presence shows a strong commitment to supporting academic activities aimed at increasing insight and knowledge among students and academics.

In his presentation, McDaniel conveyed various current issues in international political and economic relations, including the dynamics of relations between the United States and Indonesia. With a deep understanding and broad perspective, McDaniel succeeded in enriching the participants’ knowledge about how diplomacy plays an important role in forming cooperation between countries, especially in overcoming global challenges such as climate change, international trade and regional security.