IESP FEB UNRAM holds a Concentration Seminar: Discover Your Interests, Potential and Achieve Your Career Goals

By Published On: 20 May, 2024

IESP FEB UNRAM holds a Concentration Seminar: Discover Your Interests, Potential and Achieve Your Career Goals

Mataram, 13 March 2024 – Department of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM) held a concentration seminar entitled “Find out interest, potential and achieve your career goals by joining a concentration seminar” on Monday , March 13 2024. This event was held in the FEB UNRAM Theater Room with the aim of socializing the various study concentrations available to students majoring in IESP.

 This seminar was attended by IESP students from semester 4 and above as well as lecturers who presented material related to concentrations in the IESP department. Through this seminar, students are expected to be able to better understand their interests and potential and obtain clear information about concentration options that can support the achievement of their career goals in the future.

 The event began with remarks from the Head of the IESP Department who emphasized the importance of choosing a concentration that suits the interests and potential of each student. Next, the lecturers explained the various study concentrations offered, including Development Economics, Financial Economics, and Resource Economics.

 During the question and answer session, students are given the opportunity to discuss directly with lecturers regarding career and research prospects related to each concentration. It is hoped that this discussion will help students determine the concentration choice that best suits their career goals.

 This seminar is part of the IESP FEB UNRAM Department’s efforts to ensure that students get the information and guidance they need in the important decision-making process regarding their studies and careers. With this event, it is hoped that students will be more prepared and confident in determining the direction of their studies to achieve success in the future.