IESP FEB UNRAM Department Holds Coaching Clinic Socialization for Thesis and Non-Thesis Final Assignments

By Published On: 20 May, 2024

IESP FEB UNRAM Department Holds Coaching Clinic Socialization for Thesis and Non-Thesis Final Assignments

Mataram, 15 May 2024 – Department of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM) held an outreach entitled “Coaching Clinic for Thesis and Non-Thesis Final Assignments” on Wednesday, 15 May 2024. This event took place at FEB UNRAM Theater Room and attended by IESP students.

The aim of this event is to provide students with an understanding of the available final assignment options, both thesis and non-thesis. In this socialization, the procedures, requirements and flow for completing each type of final assignment are explained in detail, so that students can make choices that suit their interests and academic plans.

The event opened with remarks from the Head of the IESP Department who emphasized the importance of understanding final assignment options early on so that students can plan their studies better. Next, the lecturers gave detailed presentations about the differences between thesis and non-thesis final projects, including the advantages and challenges of each option.

Students are also given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss directly with the lecturers regarding various aspects of the final assignment. It is hoped that this question and answer session can clarify various confusions and help students make the right decisions regarding their final assignments.

This socialization is part of the IESP FEB UNRAM Department’s efforts to support students in achieving academic success. With this event, it is hoped that students will be better prepared and informed in selecting and completing their final assignments, both thesis and non-thesis, so that they can graduate on time with satisfactory results.