UP FEB Unram Accreditation Holds Workshop on Data Collection and Preparation of Accreditation Documents

By Published On: 11 June, 2024


Mataram, 4 June 2024 – The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) successfully held a Workshop on Data Collection and Preparation of Accreditation Documents. This activity was organized by the FEB Unram Accreditation Acceleration Implementation Unit (UP) and attended by a number of FEB Unram educational staff (Tendik).

The workshop, which took place on Thursday, June 4 2024, was officially opened by the Head of the General Section of FEB Unram, Mr Lalu Muhammad Isnaini. S.E. In his speech, he conveyed the importance of accreditation for higher education institutions and how the participation of all staff in collecting data and preparing documents was vital.

Chairperson of UP Unram FEB Accreditation Acceleration, Baiq Anggun Hilendri Lestari, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA., who was also present at the event, emphasized that the main aim of this activity was to collect data needed for the accreditation process being carried out by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (LAMEMBA). “This activity actively involves staff to ensure that all the required data can be collected completely and accurately,” he said.

In this workshop, participants were given training on effective data collection techniques and how to prepare accreditation documents that meet LAMEMBA standards. Through this activity, it is hoped that FEB Unram can achieve the desired accreditation, which will of course improve the reputation and quality of education at this faculty.

All participants seemed enthusiastic about taking part in this series of workshop activities. They discussed and shared experiences related to the process of collecting data and preparing accreditation documents. With a spirit of togetherness and hard work, FEB Unram is optimistic that it can achieve satisfactory accreditation results.

This workshop is part of FEB Unram’s ongoing efforts to continue to improve the quality of education and services to students and the community. Hopefully, by holding this activity, the FEB Unram accreditation process can run smoothly and achieve the best results.