3 FEB UNRAM Students Won 3rd Place in the Letin III National Essay Competition in Bali

By Published On: 20 May, 2024

3 FEB UNRAM Students Won 3rd Place in the Letin III National Essay Competition in Bali

Mataram, 5 May 2024 – Three students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM) achieved proud achievements in the National Level Essay Competition (Letin III) which was held in Bali on 4-5 May 2024. The team consisted of Aziz Zidan Maulana and Isnawati from the Undergraduate Department of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), as well as Nurul Laily from the Undergraduate Management Department, won 3rd place in the essay category in the fields of Law, Social and Economics.

The Letin III competition was attended by various leading universities in Indonesia, and participants competed to present their best written work. The FEB UNRAM team showed their excellence and creativity in writing essays that focused on current issues in the legal, social and economic fields.

Aziz Zidan Maulana, Isnawati, and Nurul Laily work together effectively to produce essays that are not only relevant but also have a significant impact. Their success shows the quality of education and coaching at FEB UNRAM, as well as the dedication and hard work of the students.