By Published On: 25 April, 2024


Mataram – Tuesday, April 23 2024 in The Gade Creative Lounge FEB Unram, a team of representatives from Bank Indonesia arrived on campus to explore the potential for collaboration that could be established between Bank Indonesia and FEB Unram.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of FEB Unram, Dr. Ihsan Rois, M.Si, who was accompanied by the deputy dean for academic affairs and the deputy dean for student and alumni affairs. The arrival of the team from Bank Indonesia was greeted warmly and enthusiastically by the FEB Unram leadership, indicating the great interest in establishing a collaboration that is beneficial for both parties.

During the meeting, various important topics were discussed thoroughly. One of the main focuses is the potential for cooperation in supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which is an economic sector that is vital for local economic growth.

Apart from that, the discussion also extended to the development of Tourism Villages, a concept which is considered to have great potential to increase local tourism and stimulate the surrounding economy.

Not only that, Bank Indonesia is also interested in collaborating in the Independent Campus Certified Internship (MBKM) program, an initiative that aims to provide practical experience to students while improving their skills according to job market needs. With collaboration between FEB Unram and Bank Indonesia, it is hoped that this program can provide greater benefits for students and make a significant contribution to the development of quality human resources.

The entire meeting took place with enthusiasm and optimism, demonstrating the strong commitment of both parties to work together to face complex economic and social challenges. The arrival of a team of representatives from Bank Indonesia at FEB Unram has opened the door for sustainable collaboration and has the potential to have a large positive impact on the local community and economy.