The Associate of Tourism and Bank Indonesia Collaborate to Support the Mandalika Tourism Cluster

By Published On: 11 June, 2024

The Associate of Tourism and Bank Indonesia Collaborate to Support the Mandalika Tourism Cluster

Wednesday, June 5 2024, a collaboration program was launched between the Associate of Tourism FEB Unram and Bank Indonesia. This event was attended by the Head of the Associate of Tourism Study Program University of Mataram, Mr. Lalu M. Furkan, S.E., M.M., Ph.D. This program aims to support the development of tourism clusters in Mandalika by involving Tourism and Agriculture study programs.

Tourism clusters are the concept of grouping various types of tourism businesses and services that are interrelated and support each other in a certain area. The main objective of forming a tourism cluster is to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector in a destination.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that holistic benefits will be created for developing tourism destinations, empowering local farmers, improving the quality of students involved, preserving agricultural culture and traditions, as well as increasing income and welfare of local communities.

This collaboration does not only focus on the tourism aspect, but also covers the agricultural sector, which is expected to have a broad positive impact on the people of Mandalika and its surroundings. With synergy between education, tourism and agriculture, it is hoped that this program can become a model for developing integrated tourism areas that are sustainable and empowering.

In addition, through students’ active involvement in this program, it is hoped that they will gain valuable practical experience, so that they are able to produce quality graduates who are ready to enter the world of work with strong competencies in the fields of tourism and agriculture.

We hope that this program can run successfully and make a real contribution to tourism development and community welfare in Mandalika.