Faculty of Economics and Business Welcomes Hundreds of PMM Students from Various Universities in Indonesia

By Published On: 16 March, 2024

Faculty of Economics & Business Welcomes Hundreds of PMM Students from Various Universities in Indonesia

The Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Mataram welcomed students taking part in the PMM program on February 22 2024, when hundreds of students from various universities in Indonesia gathered to take part in the Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM Outbound). The welcoming event held in the FEB Unram Theater Room went smoothly and full of enthusiasm.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Mataram, DR. Ihsan Ro’is., M.Si, stated the importance of the PMM Outbound program in increasing collaboration between universities. He also emphasized his hope that PMM participating students can take advantage of this opportunity to learn and share knowledge with FEB Unram.

PMM students who attended came from various well-known universities in Indonesia, including the University of Indonesia (UI), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Brawijaya University (UB), Airlangga University (UNAIR), Padjadjaran University ( UNPAD), Indonesian Education University (UPI), Gorontalo University, and several other universities. The presence of students from these various universities is a valuable momentum to strengthen relations between universities and expand collaboration networks in the fields of economics and business.

This event ended with a group photo session, then the students were introduced to their respective study programs or majors. The passion for learning and sharing experiences continues to flow among the participants, creating an inspiring and enthusiastic atmosphere.
The welcoming event for PMM students from various universities in Indonesia at the Faculty of Economics & Business, Mataram University is concrete evidence of the spirit of collaboration and knowledge exchange that is at the core of the Independent Student Exchange Program. It is hoped that activities like this will continue to be carried out to enrich students’ academic experience and strengthen synergy between universities in Indonesia.