FEB Unram Holds International Service Activities in Kampung Madu Trigona, Salut KLU Village

By Published On: 11 May, 2024

FEB Unram Holds International Service Activities in Kampung Madu Trigona, Salut KLU Village

Mataram, 11 May 2024 – The Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) is taking big steps in carrying out international service by participating in developing local economic potential. On Wednesday, May 8 2024, a service team consisting of FEB Unram lecturers and students visited Madu Trigona Village, Salut Village, North Lombok Regency (KLU).

In an effort to increase economic potential and provide sustainable benefits for the local community, the FEB Unram service team established two main themes, namely “Entrepreneurship on Agroecotourism of Madu Trigona” and “Optimizing Honey Business Management”.

Through the first theme, FEB Unram focuses on developing sustainable tourism potential by utilizing the natural potential of Kampung Madu Trigona. Lecturers and students are involved in discussions and workshops to design business models that can increase community income while preserving the environment.

Meanwhile, the second theme, “Optimizing Honey Business Management”, was taken by a team from the FEB Unram Management department. They are trying to identify the potential of the Trigona honey business in terms of more effective and efficient management, so that it can provide greater added value for honey farmers.

Dr. Ihsan Ro’is M.Sc., Dean of FEB Unram, expressed the aim of this international service activity, “We hope that through this activity, it will not only provide direct benefits to the community in Kampung Madu Trigona, but also become a concrete effort for FEB Unram to make a contribution positive for regional economic development.”

This international service activity marks FEB Unram’s commitment to involving itself in local economic development through a sustainable and knowledge-based approach. With collaboration between lecturers, students and the wider community, it is hoped that the resulting solutions can have a significant positive impact on the local community.