Unram FEB Accounting Department Holds Independent Campus (MBKM) Report Writing Workshop

By Published On: 29 April, 2024

Unram FEB Accounting Department Holds Independent Campus (MBKM) Report Writing Workshop

The Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) held a Report Writing Workshop in support of the Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) program. This activity was held on Sunday, April 28 2024, in the FEB Unram Theater Room.

The workshop was attended by students from the Accounting Department, who actively participated in the report writing process as part of their self-development in academic and professional contexts.

As the main resource person, Mrs. Baiq Anggun Hilendri L., SE. Ak., M.Si, Head of the Accounting Department, FEB Unram, provided valuable insight to participants regarding effective and efficient report writing techniques. He also discussed the importance of writing reports that comply with academic standards as well as procedures for preparing good and correct reports.

In her speech, Mrs. Baiq Anggun Hilendri L. emphasized the importance of the ability to write reports for accounting students as a preparation for the future world of work. “The ability to write good reports is a very important skill in the world of the accounting profession. This workshop is expected to help students develop this ability,” he said.

Apart from that, this workshop is also an interactive discussion forum where students can share their experiences and knowledge in writing reports. Thus, this activity not only provides conceptual understanding, but also provides valuable practical experience for participants.

It is hoped that this Independent Campus Free Learning Report Writing Workshop can be a concrete effort to support the implementation of the Free Learning Free Campus program within the FEB Unram environment, as well as helping students develop their academic and professional competencies.
