Public Lecture “How to Prepare for Your PhD”

By Published On: 18 March, 2024

Public Lecture “How to Prepare for Your PhD”

On March 5 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Mataram (UNRAM) held a public lecture entitled “How to Prepare for Your PhD” in the FEB UNRAM theater room. This event was the main highlight for lecturers throughout UNRAM who attended to gain insight into preparations for undertaking doctoral studies.

The speaker at this event was one of the lecturers from the FEB UNRAM Management Study Program who was also a recipient of the Australia Awards Scholarship, namely Mrs. Nur Aida A.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. With her experience in pursuing doctoral education abroad, Ms. Nur Aida provides valuable insight into the preparation required to successfully complete a PhD program.

“In this public lecture, we discuss concrete steps that prospective PhD students need to prepare, starting from previous research to solid research proposals,” said Mrs. Nur Aida. “I hope that by sharing my experiences, the UNRAM lecturers present will be better prepared and confident in taking the next step in pursuing a doctoral degree.”

This event was also attended by lecturers from various study programs at UNRAM, who enthusiastically participated in the presentations and discussions held. The participants were also given the opportunity to ask Mrs. Nur Aida directly about various aspects related to preparation for doctoral studies.

It is hoped that this public lecture will provide encouragement and inspiration for UNRAM lecturers who are interested in continuing their education to a higher level and strengthen the academic community on campus.