Curriculum Reconstruction Based on OBE (Outcome Based Education) FEB UNRAM

By Published On: 26 August, 2024

Curriculum Reconstruction Based on OBE (Outcome Based Education) Master of Management Study Program was held on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at the 3rd Floor of Building E Master of Management. This activity was opened directly by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Mataram. This activity was held in order to prepare the Curriculum at the Faculty of Economics and Business based on OBE. Participants who attended this activity included the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of Unram, Dean of FEB Unram, Head of the Master of Management Study Program, University of Surabaya, Lecturers, Alumni, Users, and Stakeholders. In this event, the Chancellor emphasized the importance of improving the quality and quality of Students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram. The speakers in this activity delivered several important materials in the development of an OBE-based Curriculum, including:

  • Curriculum Reconstruction Based on OBE (Outcome Based Education) Based on CPL APMMI by the Head of the Master of Management Study Program, University of Surabaya (Dr. Y. Werner R. Murhadi, CSA)
  • OBE-Based Learning Method for Masters Programs and CPL and CPMK Weighting (Dr. Sitti Latifah, S.Hut., M.Sc.F) in this case represented by Dr. Muntari