D3 Accounting Study Program Releases 124 Students to Implement MBKM

By Published On: 26 August, 2024

Accounting – On Monday, August 19, 2024 at the Faculty of Economics and Business Field, University of Mataram. The release of the internship implementation of the D3 Accounting study program by the Faculty leader. A total of 124 students of the D3 Accounting Study Program, FEB Unram, will be released in various agencies to carry out the MBKM program. The Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) Program is a program initiated by the Minister of Education and Culture which aims to encourage students to master various sciences as provisions for entering the world of work. The existence of this Independent Campus (MBKM) program can provide benefits in the form of a workforce that can be relied on to become leaders, as well as a workforce with special work skills and soft skills that are relevant in carrying out work in the Industry 4.0 era. In addition, students can also develop the knowledge learned in class in the world of work and direct practice at the selected Company. Just like other MBKM programs, participants in this program will also receive recognition at their home campus with a credit value of up to 20 semester credit units (sks) in one semester. The release event was also attended by Vice Dean I, Diswandi, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D, Head of the D3 Accounting Study Program, Eni Indriani, SE.MA. and Secretary of the D3 Accounting Study Program, Nurabiah, SE., M.MSI.