IESP FEB Unram Department Holds Outreach for the Independent Campus Learning Program Batch VI

By Published On: 11 June, 2024

IESP FEB Unram Department Holds Outreach for the Independent Campus Learning Program Batch VI

Friday, May 31, 2024 – The Department of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) successfully held socialization for the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) Batch VI. This event was held to provide students with a deeper understanding of the MBKM program and the various opportunities it offers.

The socialization which took place on Friday aims to prepare students to face various changes and challenges in the world of education and industry. The Independent Campus Learning Program, which was launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, gives students the freedom to study outside their study program and even outside campus for several semesters.

This event was attended by students from the IESP FEB Unram Department, who enthusiastically listened to various information regarding the implementation of MBKM, starting from the program scheme, requirements, to the benefits that can be obtained. Apart from that, this socialization also explains various activities that students can take part in, such as internships, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurship and student exchanges.

Benefits of the MBKM Program The Independent Learning Program at the Merdeka Campus aims to create a learning experience that is more flexible and relevant to the needs of the times. Some of the main benefits of this program include:

  1. Skills Development: Students can develop practical skills required by industry.
  2. Real Work Experience: Through internships and humanitarian projects, students gain real work experience.
  3. Multidisciplinary Learning: Students can take courses from a variety of disciplines, enriching their knowledge and perspectives.
  4. Professional Connections: This program helps students build networks with professionals and experts in various fields.

Messages and Hope In his speech, the Head of the IESP FEB Unram Department said that the MBKM program is a golden opportunity for students to improve their self-quality and readiness to enter the world of work. He also emphasized the importance of students’ active participation in this program so that they can take advantage of every available opportunity.

It is hoped that this socialization can increase student awareness and participation in the Independent Campus Learning Program. In this way, students of the IESP FEB Unram Department can be better prepared and competitive in the global job market.