Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram Holds MBKM Release Event

By Published On: 12 August, 2024

In an atmosphere full of enthusiasm, the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) held a release event for students who would take part in the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program. This event, which will take place on August 8 2024, is an important milestone for students who are ready to hone their skills and broaden their horizons outside the campus environment. It is hoped that students who have been selected to take part in the MBKM program will be able to develop the potential of Bachelor of Management students so that they can become the best graduates who are ready to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive world of work. Students who will take part in MBKM will be placed in various agencies, both private companies, government institutions and startups. They will be involved in various activities in the company so they are able to implement the knowledge they have learned in class and can learn about the world of work. In this activity, students who passed the MBKM were given motivation and a sharing session conducted by lecturers in the management department of FEB Unram. It is hoped that by participating in the MBKM program, FEB Unram Management Department students can become superior, innovative and highly competitive graduates.