Discussion on Halal Tourism Development in NTB with Research Team from Indonesian Education University Bandung and Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya

By Published On: 3 September, 2024

Mataram, FEB Unram – On August 29, 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram held an important discussion on the development of halal tourism in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). This event was attended by a team of researchers from the Indonesian Education University (UPI) Bandung and Siliwangi University (UNSIL) Tasikmalaya, who play an active role in identifying the potential and challenges in strengthening NTB as a major halal tourism destination in Indonesia. The discussion began with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, who emphasized the importance of the halal tourism sector as one of the pillars of the regional economy. In this session, researchers from UPI and UNSIL presented the results of their research related to global trends in the halal tourism industry, as well as providing recommendations that can be applied in NTB. The main topics discussed included global marketing strategies, infrastructure development in accordance with halal principles, and increasing the capacity of local human resources that support the growth of this sector. The discussion also highlighted the importance of collaboration between local governments, industry players, and academic institutions in creating a halal-friendly tourism ecosystem. In addition, the discussion participants discussed the challenges faced, such as increasing public awareness of halal standards in tourism services and the need for regulations that support the development of halal tourism in NTB. The researchers provided insights on how NTB can utilize local potential, including culture and natural beauty, to attract tourists from various countries, especially from the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The conclusion of this discussion is the need for follow-up through research and implementation of programs that support the development of halal tourism. The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, together with UPI and UNSIL, are committed to continuing to support this development through innovative academic and research activities. With this discussion, it is hoped that NTB can strengthen its position as a halal tourism destination that not only meets the needs of domestic and international tourists, but also makes a significant contribution to regional economic growth.