Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram Successfully Holds Practical Pursuit in Accounting Department

By Published On: 27 August, 2024

The Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram successfully held a two-day Teaching Practice, from 24 to 25 August 2024. The event, which was opened by the Secretary of the Accounting Department, Mrs. Isnawati, SE. MA., presented experts in their fields, Mrs. Dewi Masitah from DES Consultant and Mr. I Ketut Purwata from Lombok Exotic Sentra Oleh-oleh as speakers. The enthusiasm of the participants was felt in the two-day Teaching Practice. Participants were invited to dive into the world of hotel accounting in depth, from basic concepts to practical applications. Participants actively interacted and asked questions to the speakers. The material presented, from basic concepts to case studies, was presented in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner. The success of this event cannot be separated from the role of the moderators, Mr. Andika and Mrs. Paradisa, who succeeded in creating a warm and productive discussion atmosphere. With activities like this, it is hoped that students can be more motivated to continue learning and developing themselves and can equip students with skills that are relevant to the ever-growing hospitality industry, so that they are ready to face the challenges of the world of work in the future.