The Faculty of Economics and Business Graduated more than 300 Students at Judiciary V 2024

By Published On: 1 July, 2024

The Faculty of Economics and Business graduated more than 300 students at Judiciary V 2024

More than 300 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM), were officially declared graduates in the judicial agenda of the Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs for the Even semester period of the 2023/2024 academic year. The judiciary was held in the Dome Hall of Mataram University (12/06/2024).

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) recently celebrated success at the June 2024 graduation ceremony at their Dome Building. More than 300 students from various study programs officially received their degrees in this enthusiastic event. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram Dr. Ihsan Ro’is, M.Si. stated that the graduates had demonstrated brilliant achievements with predominantly good and satisfactory grades.

I feel proud of your achievements. The journey you are on is certainly not easy, filled with challenges, sacrifices and hard work. However, you have proven yourselves to be tough and committed individuals. “I hope you can take advantage of the knowledge and experience you have gained here to become individuals who are beneficial to society.”

Watch the Full Video of Yudisium V for the period June 2024 here.

This graduation event is proof of the long, hard and dedicated journey that our students have gone through. They have completed their studies with extraordinary excellence and dedication, and today is the day they will be presented with the degrees they have been fighting for.