FEB Unram Holds Business Pitching with the Theme “Incubator Training FEB Unram”

By Published On: 11 May, 2024

FEB Unram Holds Business Pitching with the Theme “Incubator Training FEB Unram”

Mataram, 7 May 2024 – Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Mataram (Unram) held a Business Pitching event with the theme “Incubator Training FEB Unram”. This event was held on Tuesday, May 7 2024 in the Main Meeting Room of FEB Unram.

This time, Business Pitching was held with direct support from Frans Stel, Ph.D, a lecturer from the University of Groningen, Netherlands. The presence of Frans Stel as a mentor at this event provided a valuable opportunity for participants to gain in-depth insight into the world of international business.

Apart from valuable mentoring sessions, this event also provides a platform for participants to present their business ideas in front of professionals. Various creative and innovative ideas were presented, one of which was the concept of sustainable business.

Business Pitching with the theme “Incubator Training FEB Unram” is expected to be the first step for students to turn their creative ideas into successful businesses and have a positive impact on society.