FEB Unram Wins Gold Medal at Unram Award 2024!

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University of Mataram (Unram) has again made a brilliant achievement by winning the Gold Medal at the 2024 Unram Award event. This prestigious award was won by FEB Unram in the Planning and Cooperation category, subcategory of Best Social Media Management Public Relations.
This award is real evidence of FEB Unram’s dedication and commitment in utilizing social media as a platform to improve communication and interaction with stakeholders. The FEB Unram Public Relations Team has succeeded in building an effective communication strategy through social media, presenting interesting and informative content, and building strong engagement with followers.
We are committed to continuously improving the quality of FEB Unram’s social media management so that it can become an effective media in disseminating information, building a positive image, and increasing engagement with stakeholders.
This Gold Medal award is real evidence that FEB Unram is not only focused on academic development, but is also active in building effective communication with the community through social media. In the future, FEB Unram will continue to strive to improve the quality of social media management and become a role model for other faculties in utilizing social media as an effective and innovative communication tool.