IESP Department Socializes Diploma Companion Certification Letter (e-SKPI)

By Published On: 17 March, 2024


The Department of Economics, Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Mataram (IESP FEB Unram) held a socialization event regarding the Diploma Companion Certificate (E-SKPI) on February 23 2024 in the FEB Unram Theater Room.
In this socialization, Baiq Anggun Hilendri Lestari, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA, who serves as Chair of UP-Accreditation FEB Unram, was the main speaker. He explained in detail the urgency and function of E-SKPI as a web-based application required by universities to issue official documents covering academic achievements, learning outcomes and qualifications of higher education graduates.

E-SKPI is not just a document, but also a representation of the academic journey and achievements that have been achieved by each individual. With E-SKPI, it is hoped that it can provide a clearer and more measurable picture of a graduate’s abilities, knowledge and qualifications to interested parties, both at home and abroad.

Apart from that, this socialization also highlights the benefits of E-SKPI, such as being an additional document that clarifies a graduate’s work abilities, mastery of knowledge and moral attitudes, which is easier for users to understand than just reading academic transcripts. E-SKPI is also an objective explanation of the holder’s achievements and competencies, which can increase competitiveness and self-confidence in seeking career opportunities. Increase the employability of graduates, without being constrained by the type and level of study program taken.

This socialization received a warm and enthusiastic welcome from students of the IESP FEB Unram Department, who realized the importance of understanding and utilizing E-SKPI as an important aspect in facing the world of work and building a successful career. It is hoped that this event can be the first step in introducing and increasing awareness of the importance of E-SKPI in the campus environment.