Scientific Journal Management Workshop: Improving the Quality and Reputation of Journals of the FEB UNRAM Undergraduate Management Study Program

By Published On: 20 May, 2024

Scientific Journal Management Workshop: Improving the Quality and Reputation of Journals of the FEB UNRAM Undergraduate Management Study Program

Mataram, 17 May 2024 – The Undergraduate Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM) held a scientific journal management workshop with the theme “Improving the Quality and Reputation of Undergraduate Management Study Program Journals” on Friday, 17 May 2024. This event took place in the Room FEB UNRAM Main Session and presenting speakers from the only Scopus Journal Manager at UNRAM, namely IUS JURNAL, with speakers Ahmad Zuhairi, SH., MH., and Anang Alfian.

 This workshop was attended by managers of scientific journals in the Management Study Program, which consists of five research journals and one service journal. The aim of this activity is to provide knowledge and skills to journal managers in an effort to improve the quality and reputation of the journals they manage.

 Ahmad Zuhairi, SH., MH., and Anang Alfian, as main sources, shared experiences and strategies in managing journals that have been successfully indexed in Scopus. They provide material on various important aspects in managing scientific journals, including the publishing process, ensuring the quality of articles, and efforts to increase the visibility and reputation of journals on the international stage.

 In the discussion session, workshop participants had the opportunity to ask the resource persons directly about challenges and solutions in journal management. It is hoped that this dynamic interaction can provide new insights and motivation for journal managers to continue to improve the quality of scientific publications within the FEB UNRAM Undergraduate Management Study Program.

 This workshop is part of the commitment of the FEB UNRAM Undergraduate Management Study Program to support improving academic quality and institutional reputation through managing quality scientific journals. With this activity, it is hoped that the journals in the Bachelor of Management Study Program can reach international standards and make a significant contribution to the world of research and community service.