By Published On: 19 January, 2016

1452991986678Marginal-Udayana Mataram (17/01/16). In the framework of its 36th anniversary, Mapala Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram organized a Waste Care Movement along Udayana Street during the car free day in collaboration with the Department of Parks and Cleanliness of the city of Mataram. The movement carried out by students is expected to be able to instill a spirit of caring for waste and a culture of shame for littering to all car free day visitors and traders.

Why does it have to be at Udayana?

mapalaUdayana is an icon of the city of Mataram that must be kept clean which will give the impression to outsiders that the city of Mataram is a clean and beautiful city. However, the car free day has the opposite effect of its purpose. Waste is becoming a very serious problem. Not only children, parents and traders also contributed to the garbage that was scattered everywhere, making the word “dirty and slovenly” come to mind when we saw the scene along Udayana Street after the car free day.

Bahrul ilmi as the head of MAPALA FEB explained that the purpose of this waste care movement is to raise awareness of visitors and traders to dispose of garbage in its place, so that Udayana during car free day remains clean from garbage, as we see every Sunday car free day activities will contribute a lot of garbage due to the actions of the community and irresponsible traders. Many parties participated in this waste care movement including all ORMAWA (student organizations) of Mataram University, MAPALA throughout Mataram University, SISPALA (nature lovers students), UKF in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mataram University. The participants were very enthusiastic in following the activity until it was completed and succeeded in making the Udayana road clean. The waste that has been collected will be separated, organic waste will be distributed to the Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University or sold to BLHP which will be used as a business opportunity for MAPALA and non-organic waste will be given to scavengers.

On that occasion we also met the elected Chairman of BEM FEB 2016, Mr. Ahmad Zaenal Wafik who had the opportunity to attend and participate in this event, quoting the words of Wafik “Of course I as Chairman of BEM strongly support this event because this event is very aspirational and indeed the event desired by the city of Mataram itself” he said, “My hope is that this method will continue to be promoted, since now Mataram is in a period of waste emergency, with this event it will certainly make the city of Mataram clean and free from flooding” he added when we were interviewed.

The head of the Mataram city Parks department, Mr. H. Kemal Islam, said that the largest waste production comes from households. Similarly, people who shop and sell at the car free day littering can be categorized as household waste, in a series of actions with students the problem that arises is the behavior of the people of the city of Mataram and outside the city of Mataram who are traders and visitors to the car free day do not fully have the awareness to dispose of garbage in its place, even though the purpose of the car free day is to prevent pollution not only from vehicles but garbage and cigarette smoke from visitors. Prevention efforts are often made by the Mataram city government such as writing regulations on large billboards on the corner of Udayana street, and appeals to the authorities, but it is felt that it has not been able to make public awareness arise “Therefore, a real movement needs to be held, a movement that is a little bit hard that makes people embarrassed” he said firmly. So what does a real, slightly violent movement look like?

He said the real movement and a little bit hard is the action he has done with the participants of the waste care movement which is played by students as well as actions such as spontaneous picking up garbage, invitations, appeals, to visitors and traders in the car free day with various kinds of language that can make them realize and embarrassed. The movement triggered reactions from visitors and merchants, some of whom participated in picking up trash, which they felt was a better start than before but will continue to be improved while maintaining coordination with the students. He also emphasized that this movement will continue forever every car free day. Through this movement will continue to motivate the people of Mataram city to foster self-awareness by means of polite delivery from the apparatus and students, if they still commit violations that is where the role of the government acts. “The point is that the government cannot do this alone, there must be mutual cooperation and awareness from the community and officials,” he explained.

He hopes that starting with the waste care movement that is carried out, it will flow to the students and the students can appeal and take action in their neighborhoods, then the community will be aware so that not only Udayana will be clean but all corners of the city of Mataram will be clean. By doing this community empowerment, it will be able to foster a lost culture of mutual cooperation in the city of Mataram, working hand in hand towards the city of Mataram becoming a clean, safe and beautiful metro city. (Crew-Mar-G)