The Management Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business University of Mataram Welcomes 42 MBKM Students from Various Universities in Indonesia

By Published On: 15 March, 2024

The Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM) held an event to accept students for Internship Learning around the Archipelago (MBKM) for the even academic year 2023-2024. A total of 42 students from various state and private universities throughout Indonesia attended the event, as part of MBKM’s PMM Inbound program.
The reception event held at FEB UNRAM aims to welcome students participating in MBKM and provide guidance regarding the program and subsequent procedures that will be undertaken. Students from various regions in Indonesia, both from state and private universities, also attended this activity, showing their enthusiasm to join the prestigious MBKM program.
After the reception session, the event continued with a briefing session on filling out the Study Plan Card (KRS). Filling out the KRS is an important first step for students to choose the courses they will take while undergoing the MBKM program at FEB UNRAM. In an enthusiastic atmosphere, students are given guidance and guidance to choose courses that suit their academic interests and needs.
“With the number of students who attended this event, we hope to provide useful experience and build a strong network between students from various universities in Indonesia,” said one of the FEB UNRAM Management Study Program lecturers. “The MBKM program is not only about education, but also about broadening horizons, enriching experiences, and strengthening collaboration between higher education institutions in the country.”
This KRS reception and briefing activity marks the beginning of an interesting educational journey for MBKM students, which is expected to make a positive contribution to the development of knowledge and skills in the field of management as well as strengthening cooperation between universities in Indonesia.