Monthly Archives: May 2024

Nurul Istikomah, Undergraduate Student in the Accounting Department, FEB UNRAM, Won the Best Paper 3 Award in the 3rd ISCoAB 2024 Event


Nurul Istikomah, a student in the Undergraduate Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM), won a prestigious award at the prestigious event The 3rd International Student Conference on Accounting and Business in 2024 (ISCoAB 2024). In this competition, Nurul won the Best Paper 3 award, confirming his quality and contribution to the world of academic research. In the competition held this year, Nurul succeeded in impressing the judges with his work entitled “The Influence of Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion, Financial Attitudes, and Taxation Knowledge on The Performance and Sustainability of Small and Medium Industries in Mataram [...]

Nurul Istikomah, Undergraduate Student in the Accounting Department, FEB UNRAM, Won the Best Paper 3 Award in the 3rd ISCoAB 2024 Event2024-06-15T10:25:44+08:00

Imiah Mahasiswa Pariwisata Journal


Penelitian Mahasiswa Pariwisata Journal (JIMPAR) is a research journal published by the Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mataram University, E-ISSN 3026-0922. The main focus of this journal includes research activities with the themes of Tourism, Tourism Economics, Tourism Law, Tourism Village Development, Tourism Industry, Tourism Planning, and other relevant topics regarding tourism. JIMPAR Journal is published twice a year in June and December. Submit articles online by clicking the Online Submission menu. If there are problems or questions, you can send them via email to [email protected].

Imiah Mahasiswa Pariwisata Journal2024-05-24T10:42:57+08:00
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