Nurul Istikomah, Undergraduate Student in the Accounting Department, FEB UNRAM, Won the Best Paper 3 Award in the 3rd ISCoAB 2024 Event

Published On: May 26th, 2024Tags: , , ,

Nurul Istikomah, a student in the Undergraduate Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM), won a prestigious award at the prestigious event The 3rd International Student Conference on Accounting and Business in 2024 (ISCoAB 2024). In this competition, Nurul won the Best Paper 3 award, confirming his quality and contribution to the world of academic research.

In the competition held this year, Nurul succeeded in impressing the judges with his work entitled “The Influence of Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion, Financial Attitudes, and Taxation Knowledge on The Performance and Sustainability of Small and Medium Industries in Mataram City”. His research explores relevant topics and provides deep insight into important issues in the world of modern accounting.

The Best Paper 3 award is recognition of the analytical sharpness and intellectual contribution provided by Nurul in her research. By successfully winning this award, Nurul has shown that FEB UNRAM students have the ability to compete and excel at the national level in the field of academic research.

We from the entire Academic Community of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mataram University congratulate Nurul Istikomah on this brilliant achievement. Hopefully this award will be a motivation for Nurul and all FEB UNRAM students to continue to excel and achieve even more brilliant achievements in the future.