
“To become a high-quality and leading Associate of Taxation Study Program leading to internationally competitive graduates in 2025.” The Vision of the Associate of Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram has been prepared based on realistic and specific estimates of the future within a certain period of time from a careful analysis of trends in the development of science, technology and art, developments in the world of business, industry, and society both at national and global levels.


Organizing quality diploma education to produce graduates who are professional and knowledgeable in science and technology in the field of taxation so that they are able to compete internationally

Carrying out research related to the field of taxation by utilizing various funding sources, both national and international.

Organizing Community Service to contribute to the field of taxation as an effort to transform society

Developing human resource potential optimally.

Organizing collaborative partnerships with various parties/institutions in the context of developing Study Programs.