FEB UNRAM receives glowing awards at UNRAM Awards 2024

On November 29, 2024, the University of Mataram (UNRAM) held a prestigious annual event, the UNRAM Awards, which took place lively at the M. Yusuf Abu Bakar Auditorium. This event is a moment of appreciation for faculties, units, and individuals who have shown outstanding achievements in various fields throughout the year. Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM) recorded remarkable achievements by winning a number of awards in various categories. The achievements include: 1. Bronze Winner in the Academic Field Category, Sub-Category of Unit Achieving the Highest Incentive for Main Performance from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. 2. Silver Winner in the Student Affairs Category, Sub-Category of Faculty with the Most P2MW Funded Achievements. 3. Gold Winner in the Academic Field Category, Sub-Category of Faculty IKU Achievement that Achieves the Highest Main Performance (IKU 2). 4. Bronze Winner for the S1 Accounting Study Program in the Academic Field Category, Sub Category of Study Programs that Win the Best National Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM). 5. Gold Winner in the Planning and Cooperation Field Category, Best Social Media Management Public Relations Sub Category. 6. Gold Winner in the Planning and Cooperation Category, Sub Category of Faculty Implementing the Best National Cooperation with Industry
7. Silver Winner in the Academic Field Category, Best Contributor to the Internationalization of the University of Mataram Sub Category. These awards are proof of FEB UNRAM’s commitment in implementing superior performance in various aspects, from academics to cooperation. This achievement not only reflects the achievement of the faculty internally but also its contribution in lifting the name of the University of Mataram in the national and international arena. The Dean of FEB UNRAM, in his speech, expressed his appreciation to the entire academic community who have worked hard in realizing this achievement. “This achievement is the result of the cooperation and dedication of all parties, including lecturers, students, and support staff. We will continue to innovate and collaborate to achieve higher targets in the future,” he said. UNRAM Awards 2024 is a special moment to strengthen the motivation of FEB UNRAM in continuing to make achievements and make a real contribution to society, the academic world, and industry.